In the event of an acute death, you must first contact your general practitioner or an emergency doctor. After that, you need to contact a funeral home, which will collect the deceased as soon as possible.
The costs for a burial vary from city to city because the grave fees are different in each city. The costs can range from 4000 to 10000 euros.
The costs for a transfer abroad change regularly due to factors such as current fuel prices, exchange rates, the global political situation, etc. Therefore, price information can only be provided by phone, email, or contact form.
Die Islamische Bestattung beginnt bereits mit dem Glaubensbekenntnis des Verstorbenen in seinem Sterbebett. Anschließend sollte der Verstorbene in einem Zeitrahmen von 24 - 48 Stunden islamisch beigesetzt werden. Der Verstorbene muss vor seiner Beisetzung, falls der Zustand es zulässt islamisch gewaschen werden (Ghusl-Al Mayit) oder auch die (Islamische Totenwaschung) genannt.
Transportation to Lebanon is possible. Required documents are: the deceased's passport, the deceased's ID, proof of Lebanese origin such as a birth certificate, national ID, etc.
Transfer to Turkey is possible. Required documents are: the deceased's passport, the deceased's identification, proof of Turkish origin, such as a birth certificate, national ID, etc.