Transport of deceased to the United States of America

We ensure a smooth and uncomplicated transfer.
A transfer can take place within 24 hours, depending on the family's wishes. The transport of the deceased abroad is carried out almost exclusively by plane. The deceased are loaded into the cargo area of passenger planes and thus brought to their destination together with their relatives.

Requirements for the transfer

In order to be transferred abroad, the deceased must have the following documents:

  • Passport 
  • If no passport is available, proof of origin is required. (e.g. National ID Birth Certificate)
  • Identity card of the deceased
  • Death Certificate
  • Contact details of a local relative

Our Services

The transportation of the deceased abroad is almost exclusively done by airplanes.
The deceased are loaded in the cargo area of passenger planes and brought to their destination together with their relatives.
After contacting us, the following services will be provided in the next step: Loading passenger planes and transporting them together with their relatives to their destination.
  • Pickup of the deceased
  • Completion of formalities for the local authorities
  • Completion of formalities for the Embassy
  • Hygienic care of the deceased
  • Preparation of the deceased for transfer
  • Organization of the flights for the deceased
  • Processing at the airport
Depending on religious or cultural affiliation, the requirements of affiliation are naturally taken into account and adhered to.
Through our global network of partner companies both domestically and internationally, we ensure a smooth process from pickup to burial.
We would be happy to personally advise you at any time

Competent advice and planning for the transfer of Lei from Brazil.

For the repatriation of deceased persons to Brazil, the Aman Funeral Institute offers expert advice and addresses the specific challenges of this procedure. They provide comprehensive consultation and detailed planning with expertise to ensure that the repatriation to Brazil is smooth and respectful.
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Expert advice and meticulous planning play a crucial role in the successful transfer to Brazil. The Aman Funeral Institute stands by you as a trusted partner to guide you through this process and ensure that all your wishes and needs are adequately considered. Contact us to learn about our services in the transfer of bodies to Brazil and receive personalized consultation.

Tailored Care

  • Individual Communication Our undertakers have detailed conversations to understand your personal wishes and to show all available options.
  • Comprehensive Information We will provide you with detailed information on all aspects of the transfer, starting with the legal and cultural specifics in Brazil.
  • Elimination of uncertainties Your questions and concerns will be fully addressed by our experienced funeral directors to eliminate uncertainties and provide clarity.
  • Detailed Planning
  • Process Coordination Our Aman Funeral Institute creates a detailed schedule for the transfer, which takes into account all the steps upon arrival in Brazil.
  • Cooperation with authorities Our experienced undertakers take care of the efficient coordination with all the relevant authorities, both in Germany and in Brazil.
  • Transport Organization We ensure the safe and dignified transport of the deceased and ensure that international regulations are strictly adhered to.
  • Documentation und Formalitäten: Learn more about the required documents and permits for practicing in Brazil.
  • Transport and Transfer Deepen your understanding of our professional services in the field of transportation of corpses to Brazil.
  • Aftercare und Support Learn about our extensive services for aftercare and successful transfer.

Handling All Formalities: Precise Coordination for the Transport of Deceased Persons to Brazil

The transfer of a deceased person to Brazil requires extremely precise handling of all formalities and documentation to ensure a legally secure and proper execution. At Aman Funeral Services, we take full responsibility for coordinating and handling all bureaucratic processes to provide support and relief during this challenging time.

Precise document acquisition

Required Documents: Our funeral directors carefully handle the acquisition of all necessary documents, such as the death certificate, autopsy report, and other official certificates.
  • Translations To avoid misunderstandings and delays, all necessary documents will be professionally translated into Portuguese by our experts.
  • Legalization and Apostille The organization of document legalization and the procurement of necessary apostilles are our responsibility to ensure international documentation.
  • Careful Coordination of Authorities
  • Contact with authorities Our experienced funeral directors coordinate all necessary formalities with the relevant authorities in Germany and Brazil to ensure clear and efficient communication.
  • Customs clearance The entire customs clearance process is in our hands, and we guarantee strict compliance with all customs regulations and requirements when transporting the deceased to Brazil.
  • Permits We take care of all necessary permits for transport and burial to ensure a smooth transfer.

International Funerals and Transfers

Als eines der ersten islamischen Bestattungsinstitute in Deutschland sind wir uns unserer Verantwortung gegenüber unserem Schöpfer, gegenüber dem Verstorbenen und gegenüber der Angehörigen bewusst, und versuchen seit jeher den Familien der Verstorbenen in ihren schwersten Momenten bestmöglich beizustehen. Das Unternehmen Al-Rahma wurde 1999 von Herrn Mustapha El Founti gegründet. Das Unternehmen wird mittlerweile in der 3. Generation geführt. Wir versuchen stetig unsere Qualität zu verbessern, um Menschen in ihren schwersten Momenten beizustehen.

Support and Assistance

Collaboration with Brazilian Funeral Homes

We are the reliable partner for the transfer and organization of a funeral abroad.

Support on-site in Brazil: Comprehensive care after the transfer of the deceased.

The transportation of a deceased person to Brazil not only requires careful planning and execution of the transport but also comprehensive support and care on-site. Aman Funeral Institute also provides reliable and compassionate support in Brazil to arrange the funeral according to your wishes and expectations.
Coordination with Brazilian service providers
  • Cooperation with Brazilian Funeral homes We coordinate all necessary steps with us in Brazil to ensure a dignified and professional funeral.
  • Funeral organization Our funeral directors assist you in organizing the funeral on-site, from choosing the burial site to arranging the memorial service.
  • Local Expertise Through close collaboration with local service providers, you benefit from their knowledge and experience in the Brazilian funeral industry.
  • Accompaniment and Support
  • PersonIiche Begleitung: Auf Wunsch begleiten unsere Bestatter Sie und Ihre Familie nach Brasilien und stehen Ihnen vor Ort unterstützend zur Seite.
  • Einfühlsame Support Wir bieten Ihnen eine sensible und respektvolle Unterstützung in dieser schweren Zeit und sind für Sie da, um Ihre Wünsche und Bedürfnisse zu erfüllen.
  • Hilfe bei Formalitäten: Wir unterstützen Sie bei der Erledigung aller verbleibenden Formalitäten in Brasilien und stehen Ihnen bei Fragen und Unklarheiten zur Seite.
  • Cultural and linguistic mediation
  • Respect says Culture Wir achten darauf, dass alle kulturellen Gebräuche und Traditionen in Brasilien respektiert und berücksichtigt werden.
  • Linguistic Support Unsere mehrsprachigen Bestatter bieten klare und verständliche Kommunikation, um eventuelle Sprachbarrieren zwischen Ihnen und den lokalen Dienstleistern zu überwinden.
  • Mediation from Wishing und performances Wir sorgen dafür, dass Ihre individuellen Wünsche und Vorstellungen klar vermittelt und umgesetzt werden, um eine persönliche Bestattung zu ermöglichen.
  • Conclusion Die professionelle Unterstützung vor Ort in Brasilien ist ein essenzieller Bestandt eil unseres Serviceangebots für Überführungen von Verstorbenen nach Brasilien. Aman Bestattungsinstitut ist auch in Brasilien Ihr verlässlicher Partner, um Ihnen in dieser schweren Zeit mit Rat und Tat zur Seite zu stehen. Kontaktieren Sie uns, um mehr über unsere Dienstleistungen im Bereich der Überführung von Verstorbenen nach Brasilien und unsere Unterstützung vor Ort zu erfahren.

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Over 20 years of industry-specific experience in the national and international funeral industry.
Kompetente und pietätvolle Organisation, stets geprägt von Einfühlungsvermögen und Respekt.
Comprehensive support for all bureaucratic formalities and procedures in the funeral process.

Aman Funeral Institute E.K

Nationwide at your service.