Islamic Burial in Germany

Islamic burials also possible in German cemeteries.

The latest revision of the burial law increasingly allows us Muslims to carry out burials in accordance with the rites of our faith in Germany. This is a great relief for Muslims in Germany. Almost every city and every municipality offers Muslim burial options - even without a coffin.
The Islamic funeral without a coffin has also become our task and is carried out sensitively and professionally by our employees. During the burial without a coffin, the body is placed in the grave. One person or two people climb into the grave and carefully lay the deceased on their right side. One of the two people then covers the grave with so-called “grave slabs”. These are wooden panels that ensure that the earth does not come into direct contact with the corpse. Afterwards the grave is shoveled and the prayers are said by our imam.

Burial in Germany

Finden Sie heraus ob in Ihrer Stadt oder Umgebung eine Islamische Bestattung möglich ist.

Wählen Sie zuerst Ihr Bundesland aus

The type of burial also depends on the weather conditions

The burial without a coffin is becoming increasingly popular in Germany, but it is highly dependent on the weather. Before each burial, we check the weather to be able to bury the deceased in the best possible way and without any complications.

Islamic burial of stillborn (stillborn child)

The following documents are required in case of death.


Necessary documents
  • Birth certificate
  • ID card and passport of the deceased
  • If applicable, certificate of registration


Necessary documents
  • Marriage certificate or family register
  • ID card and passport of the deceased
  • Shelf. Mold certificate.


Necessary documents
  • Marriage certificate or family register
  • Spouse's death certificate
  • ggt. Marriage certificate
  • ID card and passport of the deceased


Necessary documents
  • Marriage certificate or family register
  • final divorce decree
  • ID card and passport of the deceased
  • If applicable, certificate of registration
Why are these documents needed?
The documents are needed for the registry office to obtain the death certificates. Without death certificates, burial or repatriation is not possible. Furthermore, the death certificate will also be needed for deregistrations, inheritance matters, pension claims, etc.