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Impressions of our employees

Through working at Al-Rahma, I have learned to take on responsibility and strengthen my faith (Deen). The daily reminder of death and the admonitions one receives from it strengthen my faith (Iman) anew every day. Additionally, the familial atmosphere at Al-Rahma is unparalleled.


Thanks to this work, I always have death before my eyes.

Familiäre Atmosphäre

Family Atmosphere

Gutes Arbeitsklima

Good work atmosphere

Einhaltung Gebete

Observance of prayers

Gute Arbeitszeiten

Good working hours

Freie Wochenenden

Free weekends

Gute Bezahlung

Good pay

Modernes Unternehmen

Modern Company

Hochwertige Ausstattung

High-quality equipment

Religiöser Mehrwert

Religious added value


Thanks to this work, I always have death before my eyes.
Gutes Arbeitsklima

Good work atmosphere



Flexible Arbeitszeiten

Flexible working hours

Freie Wochenenden

Free weekends

Gutes Gehalt

Good salary

Digitales Unternehmen

Digital Business

Moderne Ausstattung

Modern equipment

Urlaubsgeld Evtl.

Holiday pay (Possibly)

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